About Albus Brahmans
Stud Breeding
Our goal is to produce a moderate framed, thick, highly fertile beef animal that is hardy and disease resistant. In the final product beef and functionality should be in perfect balance.
We aim to achieve this through a vigorous selection program coupled with the use of the newest technology and the best genetics. Our aim is to deliver a product to the market of the highest quality, that we can be proud of and our customer can buy with confidence.
History and Bloodlines
The late CY Yoakum had a dream. He endeavoured to breed the perfect Red Brahman. We found that the most successful policy in breeding was to stick to these original bloodlines, while we keep selecting for breed character and correctness. We are standing on the shoulders of many great breeders that went before us and we salute them.
Breeding Policy and Vision
We believe that the first thing to be examined in any breeding programme is the purity of the bloodlines involved. Genetic predictability gives consistent results. We have made the decision therefore to breed only 100% pure American Red Brahman lines. Further we have a strict programme of selection for breed character, fertility and correctness. Our end product speaks for itself.
Meet the Owner
Gerrie Lindeque is dedicated to breed 100% Red Brahmans from the purest red bloodlines and outstanding beef type. We invite you to come and have a look at our breeding programme and enjoy these outstanding animals with us.
Semen Sales
We breed Brahman cattle of the purest genes.
Click on enquire to find out more.
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